
Apologetical Works and Octavius is unavailable, but you can change that!

Tertullian (ca. 150–222 AD) is the father of Latin-language Christian apologetics, and of Latin Christianity as a whole. Known for being the earliest known Latin writer to use the term “Trinity,” Tertullian left an important legacy for the ancient church in Apologeticus, where he proclaimed freedom of religion as an inalienable human right and that Christians should have a fair trial before they...

complied and they fondled their babies so that they would not be crying when they were sacrificed. Yet, there is considerable difference between murder and parricide! (5) Among the Gauls, an older person was sacrificed to Mercury.3 I leave to their theaters the stories of the Taurians. Look at conditions in that city of the pious race of Aeneas, a city renowned for its religious worship! There is a certain Jupiter4 whom they bathe in human blood during the games held in his honor. ‘But it is the
Pages 31–32